Account Profile

Q: Can I include multiple sports that I play in my Profile?

A: Yes, this is encouraged to show how talented you are!


Q: What do I do if I lose my login details?

A: Contact customer support at [email protected].


Q: How can I message or reach out to other users in the app?

A: Fivestar App is comment free but allows you to share your favorite highlights with your followers through the Share button.



Video Reels

Q: How long should my video reels be?

A: We recommend video reels are less than 30 seconds to optimize your number of views/ratings, but there is no restriction on the length.


Customer Support

Q: What is the best way to get in touch with Fivestar Customer Support

A: Send a message through the Contact Us page or send an email to [email protected].


Q: How do I report of bug or a tech problem with the app?

A: Send a message through the Contact Us page.


Fivestar Rating

Q: How is my overall Athlete Rating calculated?

A: Fivestar App has developed a proprietary algorithm which calculates your Athlete Rating.


Q: How is my overall Fan Rating calculated?

A: Fivestar App has developed a proprietary algorithm which calculates your Fan Rating.


Q: How is my Highlight Rating calculated?

A: Fivestar App has developed a proprietary algorithm which calculates your Highlight Rating.


Q: What happens if my video gets no ratings? Will that affect my overall Athlete Rating?

A: No, zero ratings will not affect your overall Athlete Rating?


Q: What happens if my Athlete Rating or Fan Rating reaches five stars? Do I win/unlock anything?

A: Stay tuned for the release of gamification features in the app!


Q: Can I rate my own video?

A: Yes



Q: Are there Private Account options, if I only want my friends to see my content?

A:  Yes, you can make your profile private or public through Settings.